“Self-driving cars need better road markings to reduce the risk of accidents”

This is the headline of an article in the Swedish magazine, Dagens Infrastruktur. On behalf of Svenska Vägmarkeringsföreningen, Toni Ogemark argues that road markings demand a high priority in the discussion of self-driving cars. For instance, it is of the utmost importance that the camera system in the cars are able to detect the markings in order to reduce accidents and heighten safety.

As a road marking company, this is of course a subject that we find hugely interesting. The article takes its starting point in the current situation in Sweden, but the discussion can be viewed in a broader perspective as well. You can read the full article in Swedish in Dagens Infrastruktur – or visit Svenska Vägmarkeringsföreningen’s Facebook page where you can also find it.

Third time sponsors of the ECF awards

Third time sponsors of the ECF awards

When the ECF Awards ceremony takes place at the Velo-city Cycling Summit 2024, Geveko Markings will be the proud sponsor of the Road Safety Award for the third time in a row.

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