DecoMark™ steps lead the way

Colourful footsteps decorates the footpath in Giardini Lucarelli – a green area in the city of Milan. As part of project "Playgrounds for everyone", the footsteps made in DecoMark™ easily catches the eyes of everyone walking or biking on this green route.

The footsteps made in DecoMark easily catches the eyes of everyone walking or biking on this green route. The Giardini Lucarelli area is surrounded by a lot of residential buildings as well as a primary school and a modern playground area. And it is precisely here, that the footsteps can be found: Leading the way from the school to the playground area.

Our customer, MIAMI s.c.a.r.l. is responsible for all the green spaces and playground areas in Milan municipality and they wanted to create this path for both decorative and practical purposes.

This has all been part of a project called “Playgrounds for everyone” launched in 2018 by the municipality of Milan and Milan Community Foundation. The aim of the project is to create playgrounds and recreational areas that are accessible for children with disabilities. This means that there is a particular focus on strong colour nuances that can be distinguished even by visually impaired children.

As you can see a splash of color on the otherwise quite dull asphalt path can make quite the difference. Our durable and high-quality DecoMark material is easily applicable, can be made in bespoke designs and comes in a range of striking colours.

Have you been inspired to do a similar project? Then don’t hesitate to contact your local Geveko Markings expert today!



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