Large DecoMark™ map guides tourists in Finland

This 200 m2 large DecoMark™ map provides a both practical and decorative overview of the National City Park in Porvoo, Finland.

The large map which is placed along the riverside in the city of Porvoo consists of about 300 smaller pieces, which was put together like a jigsaw puzzle. After being properly placed on the ground the markings were heated with a gas burner in order to bind them to the surface and to each other.

The same technique was used on the DecoMark®world map which as placed in the schoolyard in Hämeenlinna and on the city map in Kotka. However, the Porvoo map is the largest of the three Finnish markings spanning over 200 m2.

Porvoo is situated in the Southern part of Finland close to the Gulf of Finland and about 50 kilometres East of the capital city of Helsinki. It is one of eight cities in Finland which has a National Urban Park, which aims to present the best parts of Finnish urban life, culture and nature. The National Urban Park in Porvoo consists of the historical town itself with interesting local sights, recreational parks and nature conservation areas. The DecoMark® map does not show the whole national park, but it provides a good overview of some of the most important places. It contains both practical information such as directions to the tourist information and parking lots and the more traditional tourist attractions, such as the home of the national poet J.L Runeberg and the city’s cathedral.

Do you want to know more about the many decorative and practical possibilities with DecoMark®? Then please don’t hesitate to contact your local Geveko Markings expert.

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