Playful schoolyard markings in Sweden

Creative DecoMark™ markings have helped transform the outside area of a Swedish school to an ideal place for playful breaks.

On Källan school in Ystad, Sweden, you surely won’t find any boring, grey asphalt areas. Quite the opposite, in fact! A broad variety of different DecoMark™ markings decorates the whole outdoor school area: From a custom-made racing track and giant dart game to a sea themed route around the premises filled with whales, dolphins and turtles. Besides being pretty to look at, they are also fun to play on.

Check out the below stunning drone footage courtesy of our customer, Svensk Linjemarkering, who did an excellent job with the application. In the video you can actually get a sneak peak of how easy it is to install the preformed material as it comes in readily available sheets.

If you have ben inspired or want to learn more, don't hesitate to contact your local Geveko Markings expert today!

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