Thank you! Together we are world class
With an impressive overall Net Promoter Score of 61, you have placed us in the world class category in our customer satisfaction survey. Now let's keep marking the future together!
At Geveko Markings, our customers are key – and we focus on working closely with all of you on an everyday basis. Even so, it is important to check in once in a while to find out if our products, solutions and services are in sync with our customers’ needs and expectations.
In the fall, we conducted a worldwide customer satisfaction survey among all customers who have bought products from us in 2018 and/or 2019. This time the number of recipients was larger than ever and we would like to thank all of you who participated in the survey. We really appreciate you taking you time to help us become a better road markings partner.
The results of the survey are now in – and we are excited to share the highlights with you:
- Very high customer satisfaction: On a general level, we have a very high satisfaction among our customers. More precisely, we received an overall score of 8.69 out of 10 based on the question: “How satisfied are you with Geveko Markings?” This is not unusual for us – in fact, we have had a satisfaction score of a minimum of 8,5 in the last three surveys. We are of course extremely happy that we are able to sustain such a level of high satisfaction.
- World class Net Promoter Score: The NPS scale ranges from -100 to 100 and is based on the question “Would you recommend Geveko Markings to others?”. The score can be used as an indicator of our customers' overall satisfaction and loyalty to our brand. This time we received a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of no less than 61. This is a substantial increase compared to the latest survey and actually puts us in the world class category!
- More ambassadors: We were particularly happy to see that we have been able to move even more of our customers into the so-called “ambassador” category. As the name indicates, ambassadors are customers showing a high level of loyalty as well as satisfaction. Close and long-term relationships with our customers are one of the fundamental values of our company, and ambassadors are therefore pivotal for our continued success as a company.
Despite the very positive feedback across the entire Geveko Markings Group, there are always areas which can be improved or fine-tuned. Also, the results can vary from market to market. This is why we will work thoroughly with the results on both country and group level. In other words, we take your feedback very seriously and will work on improving any issues in order to become your preferred road markings supplier – on all parameters.

Geveko Markings acquires Farby Maestria Polska Sp. z o.o. in Poland
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Third time sponsors of the ECF awards
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Geveko Markings Acquires PPG Traffic Solutions Business in Australia and New Zealand
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Sponsors of the Road Safety Award
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