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An easily applicable preformed thermoplastic material with superior visibility and performance. With a full range of traffic symbols, our PREMARK products guides road users all over the world safely on their way every day.

Thanks to the flexible thermoplastic material, PREMARK Rolls offer a fast and efficient way to apply long lines. Compatible with all asphalt surfaces and our MMA materials, PREMARK Rolls ensure a reliable and easy application every time.

A profiled preformed marking with a loud rumble effect and a high retroreflection in both wet and dry conditions. Providing both a vibratory, auditory, and visual signal, RibLine rumble bars are very effective in keeping drivers alert.

Application is fast and easy as it requires only one person, a broom, and a heat torch to create stunning results. DecoMark is available in a wide variety of standard colours, and the flexible material provides you with a range of possibilities.

TacPad™ & TacGuide™
The domed TacPad tile creates a relief-patterned contrast to the surface of the pavement, detectable by foot or with a cane. The ribbed TacGuide guides you through hazardous areas in the traffic, train stations and airports.

Preformed thermoplastic adhesive specifically designed to adhere raised pavement markers to the road surface and provide a bond that will last throughout the marker's lifetime.